What are the benefits of Lion's Mane mushroom?

What are the benefits of Lion's Mane mushroom?

Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) is a white, spherical mushroom that has long, hairy spines. People can eat it or take it in the form of dietary supplements. Research suggests they may have a number of health benefits, including reducing inflammation and improving cognitive function and heart health.

People in Asia use these mushrooms for culinary and medicinal purposes. Health food stores sell Lion's Mane extract in dietary supplement form, and both the mushroom and its extracts appear to have health benefits.


What are the potential benefits?

Lion's Mane may help with the following problems:


1. It may protect against dementia

The brain's ability to grow and make new connections usually decreases with age, which may explain why mental function deteriorates in many older people.

Studies have found that Lion's Mane contains two special compounds that can stimulate brain cell growth: hericenones and erinacins.

While no studies have analyzed whether Lion's Mane mushroom is beneficial for Alzheimer's disease in humans, it does appear to boost mental function.

A study in elderly people with mild cognitive impairment found that consuming 3 grams of powdered Lion's Mane mushroom daily for four months significantly improved mental function, but these benefits disappeared when supplementation was discontinued.

Lion's Mane's ability to promote nerve growth and protect the brain from Alzheimer's-related damage may explain some of its beneficial effects on brain health.


2. Helps relieve mild symptoms of depression and anxiety

Up to a third of people living in developed countries experience symptoms of anxiety and depression.

While there are many causes of anxiety and depression, chronic inflammation could be one of the main contributing factors.

One small study in menopausal women found that daily consumption of cookies containing Lion's Mane for a month helped reduce self-reported feelings of irritation and anxiety.


3. It can speed up recovery after nervous system injuries

The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord and other nerves that run throughout the body. Together, these components send and transmit signals that control almost all bodily functions.

An injury to the brain or spinal cord can be devastating. They often cause paralysis or loss of mental function and can take a long time to heal.

However, research has found that Lion's Mane mushroom extract can help speed recovery from these types of injuries by stimulating nerve cell growth and repair.


4. It can improve the digestive tract

Ulcers can form anywhere in the digestive tract, including the stomach, small intestine, and colon.

Gastric ulcers are often caused by two main factors: an overgrowth of a bacterium called H. pylori and damage to the lining of the stomach, which is often caused by long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Lion's Mane extract may protect against the development of stomach ulcers by inhibiting the growth of H. pylori and protecting the stomach lining from damage.

Several studies have found that Lion's Mane extract can prevent the growth of H. pylori in the test tube, but no study has tested whether it has the same effects inside the stomach.


5. Reduces the risk of heart disease

Major risk factors for heart disease include obesity, high triglyceride levels, high levels of oxidized cholesterol, and an increased tendency to form blood clots.

Research shows that Lion's Mane extract may influence some of these factors and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Lion's Mane extract improves fat metabolism and lowers triglyceride levels.

Since both obesity and high triglyceride levels are considered risk factors for heart disease, this is one way Lion's Mane mushrooms contribute to heart health.

Lion's Mane extract may also help prevent cholesterol oxidation in the bloodstream.

Oxidized cholesterol molecules tend to stick to the walls of the arteries, causing them to harden and increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Reducing oxidation is therefore beneficial for heart health.

In addition, Lion's Mane contains a compound called hericenone B, which may reduce the rate of blood clotting and lower the risk of heart attack or stroke.


6. Helps manage symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the body loses its ability to control blood sugar levels. As a result, the levels are permanently elevated.

Chronically high blood sugar levels eventually cause complications such as kidney disease, nerve damage in the hands and feet, and vision loss.

Lion's Mane may be beneficial in the treatment of diabetes by improving blood sugar control and reducing some of these side effects.

One of the ways Lion's Mane lowers blood sugar is by blocking the activity of the enzyme alpha-glucosidase, which breaks down carbohydrates in the small intestine.

When this enzyme is blocked, the body is unable to digest and absorb carbohydrates as efficiently, leading to lower blood sugar levels.

In addition to lowering blood sugar, Lion's Mane extract can reduce diabetic nerve pain in the hands and feet.

Lion's Mane shows potential as a therapeutic supplement for diabetes, but more research is needed.


7. May help fight cancer

Cancer occurs when DNA becomes damaged and cells divide and multiply uncontrollably.

Some research suggests that the Lion's Mane mushroom has cancer-fighting abilities due to several of its unique compounds.

In fact, when Lion's Mane extract is mixed with human cancer cells in a test tube, it causes the cancer cells to die more quickly. This has been shown in several types of cancer cells, including liver, colon, stomach and blood cancer cells.

However, at least one study has not been able to replicate these results, so further studies are needed.


8. Reduces inflammation and oxidative stress

Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are believed to be the cause of many modern diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune disorders.

Research shows that Lion's Mane contains powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that may help reduce the impact of these diseases

One study examining the antioxidant capabilities of 14 different mushroom species even found that Lion's Mane had the fourth highest antioxidant activity, and recommended that it be considered a good source of antioxidants in the diet.

Further studies are needed to determine the potential health benefits in humans, but the results of laboratory studies are promising.


9. Strengthens the immune system

A strong immune system protects the body from bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing agents.

Conversely, a weak immune system puts the body at a higher risk of infectious diseases.

The immune-boosting effects of Lion's Mane mushrooms are very promising, but this area of research is still evolving.


Safety and side effects

No human studies have investigated the side effects of Lion's Mane mushrooms or their extract, but they appear to be very safe.

However, anyone who is allergic or sensitive to mushrooms should avoid Lion's Mane because it is a type of mushroom.

There have been documented cases of people having difficulty breathing or skin rashes after coming into contact with Lion's Mane mushrooms, which are likely related to allergies.


Bottom line

Lion's Mane mushroom and its extract have been shown to have a number of health benefits.

Research has found that Lion's Mane can protect against dementia, relieve mild symptoms of anxiety and depression, and help repair nerve damage.

It also has powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immune-boosting abilities and has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, ulcers and diabetes in animals.